Live Office Hours Session

The creator/host view of a live "Office Hours" session.

Host Setup

The host could control how much time they wanted to chat with their audience and how many minutes per person.

Office Hours came out of Rodeo when we noticed certain people were great at answering questions from the audience. We noticed some creators were using Rodeo to host Q&A sessions with their following from Twitter.

This is when the concept of Office Hours was born. As a creator you'd be able to host short audio-only "Office Hours" which their audience could queue in for. Here's how it worked for a creator:

  1. Set up the amount of time you're free

  2. How much time you'd want to spend with each person when it's their turn

  3. Share the link wherever the audience is (Twitter, Insta, Snap, etc.)

  4. Plug in AirPods, leave app in the background, and start your Office Hours, the app would take care of the queue

As the creator/host you could: give people more time and skip to the next person in line.

Office Hours was the inspiration to create NextQuestion (async version of the same concept).


Nov 2020 - Jan 2021


3 months


Founder & Designer

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